Friday, August 19, 2005

Welcome to ID 10 T Drivers' Blog!

For those of you who don't get the name of this blog... TAKE THE BUS! That's actually what this is about - idiots who should not be allowed behind the wheel of a vehicle - any vehicle, are shown here, in full colour, so that the world can recognise the stupid face, car, bakkie, bus, taxi, bicycle, motorbike, boat - whatever, and AVOID IT!

Contributions are welcome! Very welcome! Send the photo, with a short story and I will publish it (I do unconditionally reserve the right to edit your contri). I will post pics of every- and anyone who makes him/her self guilty of 'ID 10 T' driving (or parking)!
Don't forget to also add your contri to Roadhogs... See under 'Links'

Hope you enjoy this....
Your #1 ID 10 T


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